This is a list of everything i want to do in my life, and it's still growing! I'm not gonna wait around till i'm on my death bed and wish i had done something, i'm gonna go out there and chase the good things in life :)
Blue words are linkys!
1. Learn to say “I love you” in five different languages
2. Volunteer for a charity
3. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
4. Write down 100 things that make me happy
5. Donate Blood
6. Hug a tree
7. Sing in public
8. Visit NYC
9. Dance in the rain
10. Pay for the person behind me at the drive thru
11. Leave an inspirational note for someone to find
12. Sing in front of a crowd
13. Say yes to everything for a day (within reason)
14. Go to Bonaroo
15. Get a tattoo
16. Run a 5k
17. Go to a hockey game
18. Be mute for a day
19. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
20. Write and record a song
21. Ride in a hot air balloon
22. Dance in an elevator
23. Bungee jump
24. Finish a 1000 piece puzzle
25. Go paragliding
26. Learn a poem by heart
27. Read the entire bible
28. Go on a mission trip
29. Go paintballing
30. Write letters to my future daughter
31. Send a secret to postsecret
32. Do a triathlon
33. See an IMAX film
34. Go stargazing
35. Write all bad memories on a piece of paper, burn this paper afterward
36. Make a friend from another country
37. Go on a road trip with a best friend
38. Keep a dream journal for a month
39. Go to a Renaissance Faire
40. Buy a Wreck This Journal and finish it
41. Send a postcard to a friend while on vacation
42. Go to a movie theater by myself
43. Participate in dance marathon
44. See 10 musicals/plays
45. Steal someone’s lawn gnome, take pictures of all the places we went together, return with pictures
46. Visit the Grand Canyon
47. See the Empire State Building
48. Make a mobile
49. Make a list of things that make me happy
50. Audition to be an extra in a film
51. Finish a large blizzard at DQ
52. Attend the midnight premiere of a movie
53. Find out my blood type
54. Run 2 miles without stopping
55. Prayer journal every day for 2 months
56. Memorize 50 pictures on scripture
57. Call a friend once a week for a month
58. Give up pop for a year
59. Meet Julia Nunes
60. Try acupuncture
61. Learn how to backflip
62. Milk a cow
63. Write a song
64. Go skydiving
65. Complete the 100 pushups challenge
66. Learn to make paper cranes
67. (I skipped this number! eep)
68. Make pasta from scratch
69. Donate to locks of love
70. Register as an organ donor
71. Make a handmade gift for a friend
72. Go rock climbing – legit rock climbing
73. Visit Coney Island
74. Learn to play a full drum-set
75. Learn how to wall flip
76. Walk on my hands for 100 feet
77. Learn to kickflip
78. See 26 bands beginning with letters A-Z
79. Be published
80. Create a blog
81. -------------------
82. Learn how to knit
83. Create a piece of art and sell it
84. Dismember a chicken
85. Hold a tarantula
86. Visit every state in the U.S.
87. Ride on a zip line
88. Smoke a hookah
89. Completely finish a crossword puzzle
90. Have a meaningful conversation with a stranger
91. Write myself a letter to open in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years
92. Go busking
93. Go to a book signing
94. Receive a fan letter
95. Eat fire
96. Wear colored contacts
97. Hold a monkey
98. See a 3-D movie
99. Have a useless, random collection
100. Play for tips in a coffee shops
101. Contact someone with your own name
102. Learn the element song
103. Go shopping cart jousting
104. Watch every episode of the office…EVER
105. Count from 1 to 1 million
106. Make 1000 paper cranes
107. Buy a turtle, name it Franklin
108. Get a watch tan
109. Learn how to snowboard
110. Be in a flash mob
111. Knit a hat
112. Do 10 things on “333 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart" list
113. Learn how to surf
114. Go to an oxygen bar
115. Sample every dish at a buffet
116. Have a lemonade stand
117. Break into a friends house and rearrange it
118. Ride a bull
119. Crowd surf
120. Longboard down a mountain
121. Get a famous persons autograph
122. Try frog legs
123. Learn a song in a different language
124. Eat a conch fritter
125. Propose to a stranger at taco bell with a “Will you marry me?” hot sauce packet
126. Hug a stranger
127. Try jet skiing
128. Go zorbing
129. Pack a PBJ sandwich every day for a month
130. Complete 5 of my KLL goals in a day
131. Do the 26 things challenge
132. Go whale watching
133. Climb the half dome
134. Go to New Zealand and live there
135. Climb Mt. Plesant
136. Go couch surfing in a different state
137. Go base jumping
138. Go base jumping in a wing-suit
139. Go hang gliding
140. Bike/unicycle the Colorado trail
141. Hot air balloon bungee jump
142. Plant a tree
143. Enter art in an art exhibit
144. Coin a word
145. Bowl a 200+
146. Sleep on top of a roof
147. Eat shark
148. Take DJ lessons
149. Go suspended capsule biking
150. Travel to India
151. Do the polar Dip in the Maumee River
Monday, December 13, 2010
Kickass Life List! (bucket list)
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wait, what do i do?! Ahhhhhh!
So i haven't written in over a month, life has just been weird. I don't know if anyone even reads this thing, but it's a good place to write i guess.
So lately i have just really been struggling with trying to figure out God's will. I know that is never an easy thing to do, but i just don't understand. I'm just feeling like He doesn't want me to do anything i want to do lately. Like i will pray over something for a while and really be asking God to help me out and then everything goes the complete opposite of the way i think it will.
Like i tried out for musical again this, hoping for a bigger part, and the day before i lost my voice completely. I auditioned while being sick, and basically i sucked. So i got chorus again (an extra pretty much) and now i am not so sure that i want to do it. Not because i am a bad sport and i am upset about the part i got, but because i could spend my time more productively by getting a job or something. Is that what God wants? Is that why i was sick when i auditioned?
Then today, i did something which i have been looking forward to for months. It was our schools blood drive. So i was really excited, and i had been getting lots of iron, eating healthily, and drinking a ton of water. And i mean A TON. So i get there for my time slot and it was running behind, so i sat there for about three hours waiting, getting more and more excited. Then i finally get in my chair and they get the needle out and get ready to put it in my vein. But where was my vain? Apparently it was too small, and they needed to do a vein check. But no one wanted to do it, so they let me go. I asked them to at least try and they said no.
I mean i am sure i'll have my chance again, but why couldn't i do this? I know i had nothing to do with it, but it still hits me as a personal failure. All of it. The musical, the blood drive, everything.
I'm at a point where i have absolutely no idea what God wants me to do. Was i wanting to do these things with the wrong motives? Maybe my desires aren't matching up with God's.
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Jump and fall
The time is now
It's time to change but i don't know how
cause when i look to my past it screams
of all my lost hopes and broken dreams
Times i've tried,
to understand what's happening inside
But theres a block in the road,
An infinite wall, and nobody knows
Times i've jumped and fallen down,
Hands covered in dirt on the ground
I lay there still.
With no power of will, but
One hundred.
Times i get up and go on
to face these days one by one.
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 29, 2010
Is that a miniature guitar?!
..yeah that would be my ukulele fools!
So i'm entering the Bushman World Ukulele Video Contest that starts in November and ends December 31st. Crazy, huh?!
I feel like it was just last week that i was watching Julia Nunes' video for this same exact contest. I saw it during my winter break freshman year and within a couple days i had figured out how to turn my guitar into an almost ukulele. That was almost 2 years ago! Then for my birthday this year right before Work Crew i got a real uke!!
Now i'm jammin' for reals :)
I get to pick 3 songs to sing for the contest. It's so flipping hard to decide!! But i think i might have one for sure decided. Suggestions are definitely welcome. (pretty please!)
It is going to be magical!
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
So i started writing letters my future daughter. I know, it's possible that i won't even have a daughter, but i want to be prepared.
Is this weird? Most likely.
Necessary? Definitely.
I really want my daughter to know i love her. I want to be the supportive and loving mom i never had. Thats tough for me to say...
Now, i don't want to give all life's secrets and discoveries away, she's gotta figure most out by herself of course, but i want to give her at least a little guidance. And what if i'm not around for her when she is growing up? You never know what is going to happen in life, i could be gone, and i want her to have something from me.
So my plan is to write a series of letters, and give them to her once a month after she is 15 or 16 years old, cause we all know those are interesting years of your life ;)
That's all i guess, i don't even know if i will follow through with this, but i hope i will ♥
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Hello, you. I love you! Love, God.

Posted by Sarah Lynn at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 15, 2010
Running On Empty
These past few weeks have been quite rough for me. School has been crazy, and just really time consuming. My mom and i are constantly getting into fights. My mom went in today for eye surgery. She was diagnosed with Glaucoma this year. I'm in this weird time where I'm not sure who my friends are, which is a new weird thing to me. I feel worthless, empty, alone. I'm sure we are all there at some time or another.
But more than anything, I feel like i have lost something.
I have not really lost anything. But in all reality, I have lost everything. I have lost everything. When i made the decision about a year and a half ago to follow Christ, my life was transformed completely. I was suddenly called to change. To live a new life. A life with love and purpose. A life shining with Christ. And to live this way and let all this in, i had to lose a lot. I lost my old way of thinking and reasoning. I lost my old angry and blaming attitude towards life and others. I lost my lying and deceiving. I lost friends. Drinking. Selfishness. Ignorance. Now this turning from my old ways didn't happen over night. It is a slow process, that is still happening...
And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. - Matthew 5:30
I began slowly cutting the bad stuff out of my life. There's still some there, and there always will be. But after all this "bad stuff" is gone, i am left almost completely empty. Which i suppose is where this feeling of losing something is coming from...See that is good, very good
Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. - Matthew 10:39
I have lost my life in order to save it. But lately i have been discovering something that i know, but have been choosing to blatantly ignore. It hit me extra hard tonight at Leadership. It is this: Christ is the bread of life. If we are not filling ourselves with Christ, then we are running on empty, and spiritually starving. This "food" helps us to do other things, like love our friends and family, and pour into their lives. I'm tired of starving. I am so freakin' hungry it's not funny. God will fill me up, and i will overflow with His love. I just need to let him. It amazes me every day how truly awesome God is!
What have you guys lost recently, or even in the past? Are you letting Christ fill you up?
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Fall! Fall! Faaaalllll!
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wreck This Journal :The Beginning!
So I have had this journal since the summer, when i was momentarily obsessed with it. Then it sat on my dresser untouched for a couple of months. Since i don't want to waste it (because it's pretty rad!) i decided i am going to start on it this weekend! And what better place to post the progress than here on my blog? I'm not too artistic, so i'm hoping this brings out the artistic side of me that is just hiding ;) It looks pretty perfect right now, eh? Not for long!
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Chill Bumpys
This is just about how i was feeling after last night...
You told me you love poetry,
So will reading this make you smile?
Give you the chill bumpys,
and make you laugh all the while?
If you shared it with your friends
would they laugh too?
Say its only just a poem,
when you know that it's for you?
Would you hang it on your wall,
in your room near your bed?
Or just crumple it all up,
and throw it out instead?
I'm writing these words to you,
because you told me you love poetry.
Well i happen to love poetry too,
but i wish you would just love me
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
I am free, but I am chained
Lately i've just been confused as what to believe. I know i follow an amazing God, and i wouldn't want life any other way, but i am becoming trapped in believing all of these lies. Lies from Satan. Lies from my past. Lies from my own self. Why can't I just listen to what Christ is saying?
I am sure of the Truth of Christ
I am believing believable worldly lies
I am beautiful because God made me
I am ugly because my body is not perfect
I am clean and forgiven because of Christ
I am dirty because of my past
I am comforted by a compassionate Father
I am alone in this life
I am confident in Christ
I am fearful of myself
I am accepted and wanted by a perfect God
I am rejected by even my by my best friends
I am seated in heavenly places with Christ
I am stuck helplessly laying in the dirt
I am filled with God's love
I am so empty, not even my past desires fill me
I am free
I am chained by my sin and mistakes
I am sure of the Truth of Christ
I am believing believable worldly lies
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Wait, what?
So what do i call this first blog post? I'm sure i'll think of it sooner or later. And how do you type your first blog post without sounding like a nut?
...I don't think it's possible.
So the whole point of this thing, which i have had for a while just never used, is not really for you.
It's for me.
There's just been a lot of stuff on my heart lately, and rather than posting it for the whole world to see, i will just post it here. My thoughts, poetry, faith, ideas, all that jank. Here. In this microscopic corner of the internet.
Posted by Sarah Lynn at 6:26 PM 0 comments