Sunday, January 30, 2011

#122. Try Frog-legs

Frogs are cool. But eating them is kind of weird. Up until Friday night i had never seen frog legs on a menu anywhere! Then we went to a newer restaurant in town and guess what the first thing i see is?! FROG LEGS. So i closed my menu, because that was what i was getting. I guess the orange and lemon slice were added to my plate for extra pizazz. It was interesting to say the least, definitely not what i expected for some reason! I still have a couple in the fridge to eat for lunch. Yum! I don't think i will get them again any time soon, but at least they didn't make it onto my disliked foods list! :)

Oh and contrary to what i believed, they did NOT taste like chicken :D

For an updated version of my bucket list, go here: Sarah's Kickass Life List