I freakin' love the season fall! I have always loved fall, ever since i was really little. Some people say that Spring is better, because in Fall, everything is just dying and ending. Not true! Fall is the beginning of so many things, new school year, new clothes, new friends, new fashions.
Today i was driving home from school thinking about all the reasons i love fall and here they are!
1. Tree leaves changing colors
2. Beautiful October sunsets (personal fav)
3. Pumpkins, they seem to make their way into every kind of food
4. Hot apple cider
5. Thanksgiving, the most perfect holiday. Friends, family, food, gratitude. What more could you want?
6. Beginning of new TV series'
7. Reading by the fire
8. The Ohio State/Michigan game. Simply the best.
9. Wearing winter hats. The ones with the earflaps, strings, and the little poof on top, ya know?
10. Wearing hoodies and sweaters
11. Birds in that V shape flying north
12. Jumping in leaf piles!
13. Crisp, fresh apples
14. It's the time when my dad breaks out his fantastic Chili recipe!
15. Indian summer - it's October now and we hit 80 degrees the other day!
16. Chilly friday night football games at the high school
18. Fall fruits and vegetables
19. Halloween. Candy, costumes, haunted houses, pure joy :)
20. Turkeys. heh. heh.
21. The way the fireplace adds that warm glow to the room
22. Caterpillar
23. Hot tea on a chilly morning
24. Bonfires :)
25. The smell that is infused in your hair after the bonfire
26. Hot chocolate
27. Holiday shopping
28. Cuddling under blankets and watching movies
29. Biking/unicycling in the cool evenings
30. Geocaching, its the perfect weather for going on adventures!
31. Real hayrides
32. Not too hot, not too cold
33. The smell of leaves, gardens, and dying grass
34. Calming atmosphere
35. Change.
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